Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Where are u from?? Please Answer ^_^?

OK Everyone....^_^

I'm not trying to be nosy or anything but I was just wondering if Everyone can tell me Which Country or State u are from!

I am from Pennsylvania......where it is always Cold, Lonely, Boring and Dark in the Winter...*burr* But in the summer its so beautiful....^_^

I met lots of wonderful Friends here who are from Australia, California and Indonesia ^_^ But thats all......

Thank you all so much for ur answers......Have a sweet day ^_^

Where are u from?? Please Answer ^_^?
Im from Montana, my sister lives in Pennsylvania. WOW maybe you know eachother LOL!!
Reply:im from jakarta, indonesia

have a nice day for you too :)
Reply:i am in the uk, in an area called "the black country"
Reply:Wisconsin. But I was born in Illinois
Reply:Missouri East St.Louis
Reply:Riverside, California. Home of the ECO-TEC engine and the band Static-X.

Pennsylvania...thats so close!

I live in Ohio...Columbus to be exact!!

I dont know why people are always putting down their state/country

Ohio has good weather and bad has 3 amazing theme parks...its important in the electoral process...AND! is home to THE Ohio State University!! :)

Reply:Western Australia, Gods own country.
Reply:norwich, england and currently in a state of boredom (at work)
Reply:Illinois, 90 minutes from Chicago.
Reply:I'm from Poland. I live in Bydgoszcz (one of the biggest Polish cities). Wish you a nice day, too! From Poland with love :))
Reply:I'm from the U.S. too :D I'm from New york city lol where we have buses trains and many many stores which are open 24 hours xD and lots of different weather lmao like one day it can rain and the next its sunny, weird i KNOW LOL
Reply:Well i live now in California but i use to live in Altnuedorf,Germany
Reply:Amman, Jordan
Reply:Virginia the country part of it.
Reply:I'm from Indonesia. Wait... you said that you've met a good friend from Indonesia.... Is that right?

I'm just asking 'coz I know that my friends are quite shy if they meet a foreigner. Could you wanna forgive 'em if you meet them?

~Eleven %26amp; One Piece rocks~

Reply:middletown,ohio an ex bustling town that now looks like trenton new jersey with junkies pimps and whores
Reply:i'm from Putrajaya, Malaysia. We are experiencing raining season right now. Here, it's wether raining or lots of sunshine. It is 5.30 p.m right now
Reply:Brentwood,NEW YORK!!
Reply:sydney aus
Reply:I'm from Darwin the capital of the Northern Territory,Australia.
Reply:I am from Michigan X_x...Its so cold and wet right now

I hope to move soon...
Reply:im from the philippines and it so hot here %26gt;.%26lt;
Reply:I live in Nova Scotia by the ocean. It's been a long dark winter but spring is finally coming. It's freezing here!


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