Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Whats the best way to integrate a new cat?

I have just recently took in a stray cat, she is sweet. I have a very vocal toy poodle and three other cats. What is the best way to introduce everyone? She has been to the vet and tested for disease and had her shots. Her name is Winter Rose, since she was out in the freezing weather.

Whats the best way to integrate a new cat?
This may not work for everyone but we always keep the new guy in a room for a bit. Let him get used to the room and the smells. Your cats will quickly be at the door trying to check him out. After a little while we open the door. Usually one or all of them run. Shortly after they will begin to explore each other. Don't freak out if they hiss and seem mean. In no time they will be cleaning each other and napping together. Hope that helps.
Reply:Little introductions for short periods at a time. Gradually increase the amount of time over the course of a week or two. But ALWAYS supervised at first....til you know you can trust them all together alone.
Reply:Wow. This could be tough. If she's been nothing but a stray, she may be used to nothing but aggression from other animals she's been exposed to and it could take awhile for her to become a part of your family. I wouldn't put her in a cage. That would only make her feel trapped and terrify her if she had 4 other animals coming at her all the time. I'd try putting her in a room-a utility room or bathroom-where I could shut the door. The animals can sniff at each other through the door and get accustomed to the scents of each other. You may get a lot of growling, hissing and yowling. Your other cats might begin to mark their territory too..... Pet her and hold her as often as you can and let the others smell her on you. It took a long time for my older cat to accept a new kitten I'd brought in and he was TINY. I was able to just let them roam freely as there was only 2 of them, but I'm not sure I'd do that with yours.......

Sorry, I guess I really don't have any brilliant thoughts.
Reply:When I used to show cats, I had 40 of them. Any time I needed to introduce them to a new one, I had to keep it in a crate for a few days, allowing the other cats to get used to it without being able to get to it. This worked everytime I tried it Good Luck!
Reply:congrats on your new family member. cats typically take longer to adjust to new environments than dogs, so be patient. this site has some great info on introducing pets to each other and getting them comfortable in their new environment.

definitely don't expect them to be best friends right away. let them get acquainted at their own pace. the site's info is on cat-cat intros and cat-dog intros.

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