Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What doyou think of my reviews?

infinity on high: me:2/5 fob fan:3.5/5

i am not will never be a fallout boy fan. but i realize, afetr listening to a few songs. this is proof rock is dead. otherwise, for actual fans, it's a decent album, not as good as under the cork tree recommended: uhh, umm, though i hate it, the arm race song, cuz i couldn't listen to the whole thing without falling asleep

Era Vulgaris me 4/5 qotsa fans:4/5

in actuality, the fun machine took a **** and lived on,. These guys can balance out their old fans, but still bring a pop side to the table without being traitors of rock. i like em.

recommended:sick sick sick, 3's and 7's, the fun machine took a **** and died

age of winters me 5/5 critics 4/5

this is the reincarnation of stoner rock, with crunching sweet riffs, it's obviously good, because all the songs have sections of 30 secs or more of repeated riffs, but they never get old

recommended: iron swan, lament of the aurochs, freya, barael's blade

What doyou think of my reviews?
AWESOME! You took it into detail, and really put a lot of effort and creativity in it!

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