Ok i have a winter white dwarf hamster. I have had him for a week and this whole week he has been the sweetest thing ever. He is very loving and doesnt bite and always jumps right up into my hand when i open the cage..
Today he has started acting very funny..At first he was hissing at me when i opened the cage..so i left him alone for a while. When i came back he jumped right up into my hand and things were fine...
Every day i reach into his cage and take out his food bowl to clean out the shavings and stuff..he was fine when i took the bowl out and then when i put it back in and my hand was leaving the cage he completely attacked it and he bit me..
Does anyone have ANY idea as to what his problem is?
Thanks so much!
Ugh very frustrated with my hamster?
Can you tell me more? Had your scent changed at the time he bit you? Lotions? Handwashing? Food smells?
The fact that he directly bit you when you put the bowl back makes me think you may have smelled like what he assumes was food. Another possibility (when you take into account his hissing earlier) is his recognition of you/his home. When he's sweet to you, does he notice you and then come to you? Is he near you already when he's sweet? Its possible he's being protective of his home in other areas because he has not recognized who/what you are and is automatically going into protection mode. A friend of mine had a hamster who would attack you whenever you went in his cage, but if you got him after he crawled out he loved you. He was protective of his space. Sounds like that might be your issue.
Reply:aawwwww he sounds adorable! sorry.
my guinea pig- a guinea pigs a hamster right???
nibbles on me but not so i can feel pain. it tickles
mines a baby howd you get him to jump in your hands, mine runs away to his house.
sorry i didnt rerally answer your question but i ddi spend time replying so ill post this anyways
Reply:is there anyone else in your house? maybe they bothered him, and now he's mad at everyone who touches him.
Reply:pms??? they get like that sometimes bipolar!!
Reply:maybe he had just woken up before you handled him, he might have still been a bit sleepy!!
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