Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Fly sheets? which are the best brands...?

my welsh cob suffers terribly from sweet itch in the summer.

he rubs off all his mane and tail and is in misery.

he also hates stables and is even worse (ie rubs more) if we put him in a stable, even for about 1 hour.

he has an excellent field shelter in his field and there is lots of natural shelter, and mainly he is out without a rug, apart from in the winter.

the flies are terrible and he really suffers, and flyspray just doesnt work - weve tried everything!

we have now decided to get him a fly sheet with a neck cover etc, a simple mesh one that wont make him too hot.

my question to you is:

what are the best brands of fly sheet? we want to keep the price at a maximum of £40 if at all possible...he is 5'9".


Fly sheets? which are the best brands...?
Unfortunately the best ones are the most expensive! If you have particularly evil, determined flies, or if your area is very very fly-y, a normal mesh fly sheet might not be enough; you may need something more fitted. Most of the mesh sheets are quite gappy so the flies can still annoy your horse.

The best is the Boett - it's very expensive, but it's also very good. If the budget can't stretch that far, I believe Weatherbeeta do one at around £50. I really don't think you'll be able to get anything under £40.

What fly spray do you use? Some of them are rubbish... Naff isn't called Naff for nothing! I use Power Phaser, which is fairly pricey at £10-£11 for a 500ml spray bottle, but it really does work. It stinks like you wouldn't believe, and for goodness sake make sure you don't get it in any eyes! It's made by Leovet and Ride-Away stocks it.
Reply:Rambo is a great brans checkout for some good deals!
Reply:Hug sheets are really good, they fit like a hug (hence the name). I haven't used one, but they fit really well on almost any horse, and they stratch at the neck really well. There is a video of a horse jumping with one of their blankets on their website. They have several different types of fly sheets. I'm not so sure about price though.
Reply:Fly sheets get tangled in the fence or when they roll. I prefer a good spray like Endure or Happy Horse. Then your worries are over!
Reply:Rambo makes a wonderful fly sheet....

Call your vet and ask him or her if antihistamine might be appropriate for him since his immune system is so can top dress it on grain.
Reply:robinsons does some good stuff for decent prices check out this link.

mastas also does some quite good quality rugs but is quite expensive, just shop around and see what you can get

there is one on that robinsons link for 30 which looks quite good around half way down the page..

hope it helps ask for more help if you need it
Reply:Most fly rugs are fairly decent if you're willing to spend a bit on them, make sure you get them from a reliable supplier too. If he suffers really badly I'd get one with a belly piece aswell.

Sorry I can't remember what brand mine is but it wasn't an expensive one and works fine (It has no belly piece and sometimes he gets bites around his girth area because of this, which isn't great if you ride them)

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