Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What you think about this poem...all you poetry lovers?


In its vain battle

To understand

The unknown

While searching

For a truth



Where it takes an extinction

Of your own kind

To create

An inspiration

In a world

Insane and blind.


In its ignorant entity


Unaware of sweet gravity

..Anchoring us,

A better life

To lead.

A better person,

To be...

The struggles of man

They say

Begin at birth.

Holding us hostage,

Leading us all

To our inevitable death


Where everything

And anything

Comes to place

For a reason

In the nick of time

Be it any season.

Winter summer

Spring and fall

We humans

Shall walk tall

Awaiting the day

Where everything shall cease to exist

And our lives will be gone

Like a shadow,

Lost in the dawning mist.

Roads meet

Voyages merge

To destinations unknown

While we search

Deep within our souls

And everything we own

To satisfy our deepest cravi

What you think about this poem...all you poetry lovers?
Pretty good.Do you want to hear mine.I'm 13 and loves to write love poems.

It's hard

It's hard to understand when

you have your head in the ground

It's hard to understand that

everything is fine when you are away

It's hard to understand everything

that you say when you say it clearly

It's hard to understand that

we are the same but totally two different individuals

It's hard to understand the

two of us are meant to be

Can't you

Can't you see I can only

open my heart for so long

Can't you see when I let

you in you don't open your heart

Can't you see

I'm cryin' in the inside

But you

don't see me cryin'

You don't

let me in your heart

And you don't see

my heart is open for you

Pay attention

Pay attention

to not let me go

Pay attention

to when I love some one ealse

And not you

Pay attention

to your heart

Pay a little attention

to your brain

Pay a little attention

to the future

And pay no attention

to the past

Always pay attention

to us and right now

My name is Chris

My name is Chris

I am three,

My eyes are swollen

I cannot see,

I must me stupid

I must be bad,

What ealse could have made my daddy so mad?

I wish I were better

I wish I weren't ugly

Then maybe mommy

would still want to hug me

I can't do a wrong

I can't speak at all

Or ealse I'm locked up all day long

When I'm awake I'm all alone

The house is ark

My folks aren't home

When mommy does come home

I'll try and be nice,

So maybe I'll get just one whipping tonight

I just heard the car

My daddy is back

From Charlie's bar

I hear him curse

My name is called

I press myself against the wall

I try to hide

From his evil eyes

I'm so afraid now

I'm starting to cry

He finds me weeping

Calls me ugly words,

He says it's my falt that he suffers at work

He slaps and hits me more,

I finally get free and run to the door

He's already locked it

And I start to bawl,

He takes me and throws me against the hard wall

I fall to the floor with my bones nearly brocken,

And my daddy continues with more bad words nearly spoken,

"I'm sorry!"I scream

But now it's too late

His face has been twisted

Into an unimagineable shap

The hurt and the pain

Again and again

O please God,have mercy

O please let it end!

And finally he stops

And he heads for the door

While I lay motionless

Spraled on the floor

My name is Chris

I am three,

Tonight my daddy

Murderd me

Will you

Will you understand me

since I understand you

Will you care for me

like I care for you

Will you love me

like I love you

Will you hate me

like I can hate you

Will you take

me by the hand when I fall from the sky

Will you carry

me when I'm weak

Will you always be there

for me,like I can for you

You are blind

You are blind

for not seeing me

You are blind

for not loving me

You are blind

for not listening to me

I am blind

for beleiving you

I am blind

for loving you

I am blind

for listening to your lies

And yet again

I love you
Reply:Who wrote this nice poem?
Reply:I like it, it starts a bit, dark, then lightens a little.

Your pacing is a bit jarring in the middle, you also break off your 'mankind' theme a bit, otherwise well written.

Written words should have a pattern, a patter to them. Even a good novel will have a flow to the words. Poetry should be what you tried for here, not so much matching a specific pattern, such as a Haiku with it's specific structure, but the words and the meanings create a flow, one reason why reading out loud is always a good way to catch if it works well or not. (Especially someone else doing a ‘cold’ reading out loud.

For instance, using a word that stands out- or a term that makes one stop reading to think about the ideas that word triggers can be in certain circumstances useful- but usually only at the end, otherwise it can be very distracting.

If a reader is in the flow- it's the memory's, the feeling the reader associates with the words that work, if they have to stop reading to think- "Wow, how about that!" It's very hard for them to return to the flow of the work, to get their mind back into ‘it’, the work.

Hard to explain, but within the work it needs to flow and move in it's pacing, like a wave pattern, or a musical scale.

Look at Dr. Seuss, his words flow, yet they are designed to make you pause, to look at the pictures, then think about what you read as you turn the page. Brilliant design to his medium.

Remember, it's not your words and emotion you are after- it's triggering emotion and memories in your reader. If you try to force the reader to see only your own view- with out room or being aware of their own (the reader's) viewpoint and interpretation, the work will not be as effective.

Yes, I know this is a bit of over-analyzing, but that's why effortless writing takes such hard work.

Hope that helps a bit.
Reply:Muddled. Deep. But less poetry than say observation. Although it is subjective so..
Reply:I'm going to be honest here. The beauty of poetry is the ability to paint a picture with words.

The phrase that is used is 'show -- don't tell'.

Your poetry shows me nothing but tells everything. It has no imagination.

The subject is good, but try to think of new ways to say what you're saying. Make us see it. Otherwise, it's everything we've already heard with nothing to hold our interest.

For example, try something like "the scream and blood of conception' rather then 'begin at birth' (it's the idea here, not necessarily the exact example)

Keep going though, Poetry is an art. It needs practice and refining. It's never finished.
Reply:Definitely some talent here.
Reply:man kind.
Reply:very good
Reply:rather lengthy, but I like it for the most part...who wrote it?
Reply:Wonderful. But you didn't credit the poet.

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