Monday, January 30, 2012

Is this a good poem?

I wrote it myself on a very personal matter that happened in my life. my first real deep poem. is it good?

♥Behind All Hearts♥

Imagine winter snow behind all hearts,

Only She will dream of a bad morning

Which sparks a grayer summer.

Gentle rain lights warm, green ground.

Spring is almost present.

Come when the sun is playing,

Feel the sweet sky, so full on your skin.

Cold life and little love grow off fire.

Is this a good poem?
this is very good.

you're pretty talented.

Reply:I think it's a good poem.

I think it's about someone close to you who is deceased, but you didn't ask that; sorry.

I also think, just if you want more opinion on this poem, that it would work more easily for the reader if you didn't capitalize 'She' (though I understand wanting to), and if, in the last line, you use the words and use "away from" instead of "off."

ADD: Unless you mean they (cold life and little love) grow "more so," in which case perhaps "feed off fire."

I said those two small things just because they gave me too long a pause for thought, when I really just wanted to read a poem, a deep one.

And so this one is. You've done a very good job, and maybe I am foolish to suggest you make it a touch easier to understand.

It's always up to you, the writer.

Thx for the read.

ADD: In a third read; maybe it's also about seasons. Maybe 'She' is winter snow... but that's just confusing me now.

Okay, I'm done. [!] It's still a good poem.
Reply:I don't really know what it means but i think its very deep and symbolic. It seems like you have a very deep connection with it. Good job. That's what it's all about.
Reply:okay. but rain doesn't light things.
Reply:It needs to flow better.
Reply:i dont really understand it.

and although im sure its amazing to others,

it just doesnt really flow in my mind.

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