Sunday, February 5, 2012

What would you say to your mom??


My mom just finnished puting braids in my hair last took 5 hours. I love my mother to death. She is a really sweet lady. She never complains, she is always sacrificing to do for others.

She wants to do her hair just like mine, but she is 53 and I'm 20. My mom looks really good for her age, but I feel that if she puts cochet braids in her hair it will make her look odd and older than what she really is. What I got looks really hot, but It wouldn't on my mom. I want her to look like a lawyer or a doc. you know, a professional, b/c she is. She is a nurse. When I get to that age I want to be looking like a queen, not a princess of her youth.

I tried to stop her but she would say things like..." It wll keep my head warm in the winter" and " It may not look right but it feels right...I don't like hats"

I don't want my mom to hide under a hat or crochet braids. It is only acceptable for a young person to wear. Its equivalent to platform flip flop

What would you say to your mom??
just tell ur mom to wear her hair that makes her feel young and special. sometimes whenpeopel get older they get a little bit of an identity and need to see how stupid they look til they get it. so just be supportive and encouraging of her.
Reply:I sugest that you tell her frankly how u feel about it,since u guys share a cordial relation m sure she'll understand what u trying to say.

But just to tell u,that its not always right to force your views on others and after all shes ur mom,shes a woman,she has desires and wishes too,isnt it?

but since its all bothering u so much go ahead and tell her,good luck!!
Reply:I say this, she may be your mom, but if she wants to do it let her, just because you may be embarrased should not stop her from doing what she wants, she is a big girl, and if they don't look good she can always take it out
Reply:if your mum is your best friend and the world to you id tell her

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