Friday, February 3, 2012

Please help me! need some help. . .?

so basically there are two people in my life and i am confused about which one to go out with.

Let me start from the beggining, so i liked this boy called Flint but he was going out with another girl so he was kinda off-limits even though him and his girlfriend really weren't working-so i started to get over him %26amp; started liking this other boy Harry who was single and quite cute but he didn't like me either but then about a week later i found out he likes me aswell. . . then it was winter holidays so nothing happened for a bit and now im back at school and Harry still likes me %26amp; now Flint is single so i kinda wanna go out with Flint now but he is saying he wants to be single for a bit so im like fine.

You're probably thinking why dont i just go out with harry? well part of me thinks i should just wait for flint and also harry is quite short, spotty %26amp; has braces-that makes him sound like a complete dork but he is actually really sweet but the thing is i cant really have a propper. . .

Please help me! need some help. . .?
wait for flint!! it sounds like you like him more, if you go out with harry you going to break his heart and you been kinda dishonest with him and if you go out with harry then flint will be put of!!

all the best

Reply:See.. Try to love the person who loves you... Then only your life will be good. If you are not in an idea to get married then its ok.. But for a long term relationship you have to go with a person who loves u. No matter he is short or whatever.. See whether his love is true one.. Thats it.. My opinion for u is to go with harry, Even if flint tells that he loves after these incidents, i dont think that will be a true one. It might be for some other reason like..... Also think about why flint's girl leave him.. Analyse a lot.. All the best.. Take care..
Reply:Variety is the spice of life and you sound young enough to not put all your eggs in one basket. Keep your options open but nothing says you can't be with one until the other is ready.
Reply:proper what??

shell necklace

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