Friday, February 3, 2012

My 16th birthday...HELP?!?

Ok so I know this is kinda last minute but its not like no one is going to be able to come. My "Sweet" 16 is January 15, which is only like 8 days away. A couple of days after Christmas I got a puppy and apparently I said if I got a puppy I didnt need to have a party. But I really want one and I think my grandma is caving and she just might let me have one. It would have to be this Friday. I think its the 12th. I don't know what to do. I know for sure I want to invite my 4 or 5 really close girl friends and at least like 2 of my guy friends. There are a couple more guys I could invite to kinda balance it out. But I don't know what to do. Me %26amp; my friends are good with just hangin out in the basement but my grandma doesn't think theres enough room but there is.

One of my friends suggested playing Twister or something but I think that might be kinda weird. There is absolutely nothing to do in this town in the winter. It's the lake area so every thing revolves around summer. I need help.

My 16th birthday...HELP?!?
Relax, you have plenty of time. God hears your needs and is answering them now.

By the way Happy Birthday!
Reply:have a "half-birthday".

my sister did this when we were kids because her birthday is in January also.

you could have a small get together with just a few friends, and then six months from now have another party, to complete your "half-birthday".

it would be silly if you only served 1/2 of a birthday cake.

happy birthday!

have a nice day!
Reply:so that your grandmother doesn't feel stressed just be like i know there's enough room and use your friends idea so then u can be like we can play a bunch of games watch movie and eat food and if u want u could have a small little dance in your basement and for the whole guy thing invite the ones that would be fun and everybody gets along with so there r no problems and i would try to balance it out so it isn't weird for them
Reply:cooking and eating party with movies on dvd.
Reply:my 16 birthday is the 13th. i was going to have huge party

but i figured that id rather spend the day w/ a few friends

then invite the whole school to a party when half of them

dont even know my middle name.

my suggestion is to maybe go to the movies or out to dinner

with about 8 friends. enjoy the night, it doesnt have to be something

big like on "my super sweet 16"...

enjoy your new puppy, happy birthday, and good luck.
Reply:wait. let me recollect my thoughts.

you are DESPERATE for help on partying.

Reply:Ok so you have a couple options ....since its cold there why not have a few friends and make it a theme night like a beach or something you guys could have non alcoholic drinks with lays and stuff like that and watch summer movies with popcorn and sit in your bathing suits may sound funny but if you do it right it could be cool you could even get sand for decorational purpose and a fake palm tree from a party city if you really wanted to also some relaxing music might be cool just dont think of it as something that has to be huge like those girls on my super sweet sixteen (mtv) and it will be fun no matter what ...Happy Birthday!!! (P.S. thats also my sis's bday )
Reply:You should watch a rental movie if you have a dvd player. Something that boys and girls would like. You can rent a dvd player if you don't have one. You could have a show and tell, just let everyone know ahead of time so they can think about what to bring. You could cook something together like pizzas, everyone could help chop thing up and make their own favorites. Tacos is another good food for a group to cook or nachos. You could learn a card game, cards are cheap and get a grown up to teach you a good game. You could do an art project like draw pictures of each other, put them in a hat and draw them out and comment about them without knowing who the artist was, could be funny. You could make a scrap book of your party, who was there and what you did, it is a significant birthday and photos and a scrap book would be a fun way to remember it.

Happy sweet 16!
Reply:If you just like hangin' with each other, rent a couple cool movies, have popcorn and sodas, or put on some cd's and just chill.
Reply:There are alot of party games out there but the best bet is always to plan ahead. Have a small gathering at your grammas and plan a big sweet 16 for the summer with your best girlfriends. have a slumber party, do all girly stuff, and make a great summer party plan. make invitations and send them out :)
Reply:nope sorry if you gave your word a puppy for no party then your out of luck.
Reply:dude. You chose the puppy you get the puppy, next time take the party.
Reply:heyyyy my 17th bday is on the 15th!! whoo hoo! If you bring your friends, make sure they know how to have fun. Me, my sister, and two of my female friends were just in a room at one of their houses chillin and we had a great time. We took pictures on a digital camera and everything, which isnt really most peoples ideas of a good time. But hey, it was really fun and funny so i think that even with a small amount of people, you'll be fine. Hopefully, they arent boring people, thats all! Hope you have a good bday...and i hope the same for myself (haha)...good luck!
Reply:You should all go to a theme park!!!
Reply:What if you told your friends you won't hold a party just now, but you will give it in the early Summer?? Maybe that would make everybody happy, also your grandma? (I mean, she deserves not having to worry, after all, she gave you such a great present already.....a puppy no less, wish I had one)
Reply:Twister is good. My son went to a party last year when he was 16 and asked me to purchase twister before he went. He said they all had fun.

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