"Kea can we go home now" ? grumpely asked Koe " I guess" madly said Kea. They had just went to the great 6 cinema movie theater and saw DRAGONS FIRE FLAME.it was about a dragon that had been born to breath fire. it killed all the dangerous people. but then there was n one else so he started to breath fire everywhere. and the people got so scared that they killed the dragon. It was the winter of ' 94 there so Koe was shivering with his coldness .kea had warned him to wear a coat since it was only gonna be 34 degrees outside. Kea, a girl,at the age of 12 who was in 6th grade . koe was a boy at the age of 7 in the 2nd grade. they where brother andd sister."woof woof"Oh and they have a dog too.its named Lea after there aunt.It's a two year old terrier in dog years that is.It is named after there aunt because she did everything with Kea and Koe she died in 1992 . they wactched the dog play in the snow . while they laughed with coldness and joy mixed together.then the dog started shivering so they had to go then. they went through a lot of snow when then they saw that there dog was lickin snow. they lauighed so hard from the winn dixie smile that they fell in the snow. they sat ther for a few minutes then they got up to start back up on ther way home.
It was about 6 :10 when they finally got home .It took them 20 minutes to get home. "yeah were finally home"!!! said Koe."Screeech" they opened the door . There mom was in the kitchen making a pie . She made the best pies ever. This pie smellt like apple . yummm!!!! said Koe There mother laughed . There mothers name was andrea. She is thirty four. "time for dinner kids Andrea yelled.they were having a big turkey with sweet potatoes and creamy mashed potatoes."yummy" said koe."screech" the doored opened it was there dad Andrew, he was thirty five.Andrew was at work he worked at a factory .
After dinner they had to brush there teeth ,take a shower, and go to bed . the next morning they went to school. Kea was in sixth and Koe was in second.Kea did not like math but did like spelling .Koe did not like spelling but did like math. After school they went to the public libary.Kea and Koe found a book together.It was callled mystery songs.They went to the desk to check out the book."how are you today" asked the librarian? "okay"said Kea and Koe.
On there way back home they took a shortcut through the woods. All of the sudden they saw something strange a snow man that read "CHARLIE". They looked at it for a while then went home.That night they read some of the book then they found a song called CHARLIE THE SNOWMAN. That night they had leftovers .Then brushed there teeth ,took a shower ,and went to bed.
The next morning they didn't have no school. So they went to the woods to see Charlie. They brang the book with them. "maybe if we sing he'll come to life"said Koe. "you can but I'm not "said Kea. When they got There Koe started to sing the song and something happened.Charlie started to move and talk.He said huh (yawn) "that was hard staying still for that long of a time".Kea's jaw dropped to her toes. "what is your name"? Koe asked . "Charliepolopudy but everybody calls me Charlie" said Charlie . "Whoo who's everybody" asked kea."All the snowmen and snowgirls do" said Charlie " Oh" said Kea. " do you want to know something......... do never sing that song to MAX2"demanded Charlie. "why" asked Koe . "Because he's my arch enemy, and he'll be your's some day to"said Charlie.Then Kea and Koe said goodbye and left.Well they didn't believe him .Then Koe wanted to sing so he sang the song he just learned. but Kea looked around for a while .then she said" Ko Ko Koe I don't think you should sing that" but he already had finished . MAX 2 came alive ."ROAR" they ran back to the woods and hided behind Charlie. Then Charlie and MAX 2 had a BATTLE !!All of the sudden charlie yelled " GIVE ME THE BOOK" then he said a magical song and it made him melt for thousands of years. Then they started to cry and said there apologies. then charlie said he had to go and they cried even more. koe siad he didnt want him to go. they walked him back to his home, while koe walkin very slowso he could have charlie stay as llong as possible. then they got there and they said goodbye one more time. koe got very sad and had a tantrum he tolld kea that he was not movin one inch from this spot. as they said that charlie said that he had to go as hey sat in place to be confused to stone . kea pullled koe back so he wouldnt turn into stone too. it was almost too late he cried and said nooooooooooo.
next year next year next year next year next year next yearrlie
Help my daughter is writing a story and is stuck plz help her?
This is a story of a 12 year old girl in the 6th grade named Kea, and of her younger brother Koe, who is 7 years old and in the 2ond grade. They had just come out of the movie theatre where they had watched the movie, “Dragons Fire Flame”, when Koe asked Kea rather grumpily, “Kea, can we go home now?”
Kea, whose thoughts were filled with pictures of fire breathing dragons killing all the bad people turned to look at Koe. She was glad she had told him to wear his coat for the wind had whipped up while they had watched the movie and it felt colder than the predicted 34 degrees. Smiling at her little brother, Kea said, “Let’s go!”, and off they went as the snow started to fall.
“Woof! Woof!” Lea their 2 year old terrier greeted them as they turned into the driveway of their house. Lea was named after their beloved Aunt who had taken Kea and Koe all over with her - on picnics, to carnivals, to the beach, and to the movies. She had died 2 years ago when they got their terrier puppy. Kea and Koe missed her very much. Sometimes Kea thought she could see her Aunt Lea looking out through the dog’s eyes with love. They played with Lea in the snow for awhile chasing her and watching bite into snowballs they tossed at her. She would bark and run in circles around them. Kea noticed that Lea and Koe were both starting to shiver so she went to the door and opened it for them to come inside. Lea had to make one more loop around the yard then ran so fast past Koe she almost knocked him over!
“Take off your coats and boots then come into the kitchen my dears!”, sang out Andrea, their mother. Kea smelled the wonderful smell of baked apple pie. Her mother was a very good cook! After hanging up their coats and putting their boots away, Kea and Koe went into the kitchen. Mother told them to wash their hands while she brought the sweet potatoes and set them next to the creamy mashed potatoes. Kea and Koe’s dad, Andrew, carried in the roast turkey.
“How was the movie you two?”, Andrew asked.
Bouncing in his chair, Koe excitedly rushed out his words, “It was great dad! It had a lot of dragons that had fire come out of their mouths and Kea bought me some popcorn!”
Dad set the turkey in front of him to carve then reached over and ruffled Koe’s hair. “What did you think of it Kea?”
Kea frowned and answered her dad, “It was really good dad, but it doesn’t seem fair that after the dragons killed off all the bad people, the good people killed them. Why is that dad?”
Dad answered her as he started cutting off a turkey drumstick for Koe, “Well, Kea, sometimes people are afraid of what they don’t understand. I guess they were afraid of the dragons.”
“Oh.”, said Kea. Then mother started to help everyone fill their plates with all sorts of good things to eat and the dragons were forgotten. After everyone had a slice of apple pie it was time for Kea and Koe to get ready for bed for tomorrow was a school day. Kea thought it was strange that she liked spelling but didn’t care too much for math, while Koe liked math but thought spelling was for the birds. After they finished brushing their teeth they went to say goodnight to their mom and dad. They saw them kissing as they washed and dried the dishes.
“Ew, ick!”, said Kea. “Can’t you two act your age?”
Her mom and dad laughed and hugged them. Mom said, “Oh, Kea, we are acting our age. I’m only 34 and your father is 35 years old. That’s young!” Kea didn’t think so, but she didn’t say anything more.
The next day on the way home from school they stopped at the library. Together they found an old book called “Mystery Songs”, and decided to check it out. Mrs. Beecham the librarian, asked them how they were today when they went up to the shiny new checkout desk. They told her fine and left.
On the way home they decided to take a shortcut through old man Warren’s field. Their parents had told them many times not go through the field, but Kea was eager to start on her spelling homework and wanted to get home as fast as possible. Suddenly Koe said while he pointed, “What’s that?” Kea looked. It was the oddest looking snowman she had ever seen with an old sign in his snowball hand that said, “CHARLIE.“ She told Koe not to say anything to their parents or they would get in trouble for crossing the field.
After supper when they were doing their homework, Koe came to Kea and showed her a page in the old songbook they had checked out from the library. It was titled, “CHARLIE THE SNOWMAN.“ Frowning, Kea thought that was very strange. Koe wanted to know if it was the snowman they had seen on the way home from school? Kea told him she didn’t know and to go to bed.
The next day was Saturday and Kea got an idea while she ate her breakfast. Telling her mom they were going over to the park to play and then to the library Koe and Kea left the house taking the “Mystery Songs”, songbook with them. When they came to CHARLIE, Kea open the book to “CHARLIE THE SNOWMAN”, and told Koe to sing it with her. Suddenly CHARLIE’S eyes popped open and he spoke!
“Goodness that was hard staying still for so long! Who are you two?”, said CHARLIE.
Being older Kea felt it was her duty to introduce them and she did to CHARLIE. She asked him if his name was really CHARLIE and he said goodness no his friends all called him Charliepolopudy. He looked at Koe and seen the old songbook in his hands.
“Say”, said Charliepolopudy also known as CHARLIE, “I know that songbook! That’s how you made me talk and move again! It belonged to an old witch. Don’t ever sing the song called “MAX2 that’s in there. You’ll be sorry if you do! He was my archenemy and he will be yours too! Best not ever sing it!”
Kea noticed it was getting dark. It didn’t seem like they had been there all day, but the sun was going down and it was time to go home to supper. Saying goodbye to Charliepolopudy they left.
Later than night Koe woke up to the sound of the old songbook falling to the floor from his bed. He had been looking at it and must have fallen asleep. Leaning over the bed he picked the book up and noticed the title of the song, “MAX2.” Boys will be boys and so Koe did what he knew he shouldn’t do - he sang the song out loud.
Suddenly there was a growling noise from his closet, the door flew open and the ugliest lump of something flew out, whirled around 3 times then ran out the door of his room. Koe was so surprised he started to cry. Kea heard him and came into his room.
“What’s wrong Koe?”, said Kea.
“I sang MAX2 and a monster came out of the closet and jumped and whirled and went out the door and I’m scared Kea!”, sobbed Koe.
“Oh no!”, said Kea. “We have to go and warn Charliepolopudy! Quick, come downstairs as quietly as you can so we don’t wake up mom and dad!”
It was cold and dark outside but they could see Charliepolopudy fighting with what looked like a huge lump of dirty snow. It reminded Kea of the big piles of snow you would see in the big parking lots at the mall that the snowplows would pile up in the corners.
“I’m sorry Charliepolopudy!”, yelled Koe as he ran up to the dirty snow and began beating on it with his fists. Kea ran up next to him to help.
“Sing my song!”, yelled Charliepolopudy.
Koe and Kea remembered the words and sang them as they continued to beat at the dirty snow that looked like it was going to fall on Charliepolopudy at any minute. They sang so loud they were almost yelling! Then the strangest thing began to happen. The dirty snow started to melt. They kept singing and more of it melted. Finally it melted away totally. But where was Charliepolopudy? They called for him.
“Here I am.”, said Charliepolopudy. He was backing into a big snowbank patting fresh snow into the holes that MAX2 had made in him.
“I’m afraid I’m done for this winter.”, he said. “These patches will last long enough for me to make sure you both get home safely. After that, the witch’s spell will turn me into a boulder until next winter comes around again for me to become CHARLIE. Promise me you won’t forget me and come to sing my song to me again.”, he asked them as they reached their front porch.
“We promise.”, they both said.
And they did...
Reply:You're welcome. It was an interesting story! Your daughter is very creative. Thank you for encouraging her. Report It
Reply:tell your daughter 2 stop writing such long stories
Reply:You have grammer errors (lol)
Human Teeth
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