Sunday, February 5, 2012

How can I get my Shelltie to listen to me more?

He is 4, and we got him at 6 months old from a professional dog shower, he had the looks of course, but he was to shy and timid. He has always been shy, but i don't mind. hes pretty good around me, he follows me everywhere around the house, and likes to go for walks especially in winter. but the problem is, he doesn't listen that good, hes stubborn. when i call him when hes outside he comes 99% of the time but when were outside, i tell him to sit, and i back away and say stay, and he sits there and i call him and he comes, buts hes just to damn smart. he only comes when there is a benefit to him, like a treat. i'm weaning him off so i give him a hug and some sweet talk but it doesn't cut it. i really like him, im open to everything except obediance classes, because i can't get a drive. i've been spending a lot more time with him now because i'm off school. i think that he might think hes the alpha dog, but i'm not sure because hes usually the one following me. any tips? advice? thanks:

How can I get my Shelltie to listen to me more?
my friend has a sheltie too! and she has the exact same problem! if he doesnt listen to you show him that you arent pleased with him by the tone of your voice and your actions. this might not always work but give it a try. best of luck!
Reply:Hmm I saw this question and thought I would have adivce, but really, no.

I train dogs, not professionaly, and it just seems you might have to give in to him. Carry a small container of biscuts. Break them up into the smallest peices you can or even add random peices of dog food every now and then so he doesn't get pudgy.

My only other thought might be try a different kind of treat, my dad swears by hot dogs. "Dice up a hot dog and a dog will do anything, teach him anything in five minutes!" Not-so-famous quote of my dad's lol. Try mixing it up a bit. Sounds like you're doing great though!
Reply:Sounds like you've made a good start with the treats and the weaning. If he starts to regress, up the proportion of times that you treat vs. not treat; also, either hide the treats in an air-tight container, or always carry them on you, so that he doesn't just listen when you have treats.

Another thing is to make a fool out of yourself: he doesn't come because what he is doing is more interesting to him than coming to you, so make yourself more exciting and interesting ("Come on! Come! Good boy good boy good boy!Yes! What a good doggie! Good dog! Good boy!) Lots of excitement and praise when he does what you want.

Speaking in a big, deep voice is fine if you want your dog to be afraid of you ("respect" you in some parlance), or when you're telling your dog what *not* to do, but for behavior that you want to reinforce it's better to use praise and excitement.
Reply:I have the same problem with my dog... I have a sheltie also...

I basically spoiled him with treats in order to get him to learn how to sit, lay down, and then be speak...

Well I tried to ween him off the treats, and he wouldnt have it...

he is too smart.. so what I did is I would just not acknowledge anything he did for a while until he would come closer to me... and realize he wasnt getting treats anyways, but that he wasnt going to get love until he respected me...

and it worked...

I still give him treats every once in a while... but not all the time...
Reply:You are the owner and you can teach that dog anything. If you show him who is in charge he will respect you and listen to you a lot better. It is like you own the company now you just have to teach your workers and believe me they will listen because they would rather put up with you then lose their job. If you do show him who is boss and he still doesn't listen then that is because you didn't take it serious. Don't worry if you hates you or doesn't come next to you, he will eventually and then he will know who is the boss. Take charge, you are the owner and you need to be respected. I am a professional dog teach so listen to me. Don't let your dog rule you, you rule him. GOOD LUCK!!

If you have any questions about how to teach your dog contact me at DAMARSHALLKITTY@YAHOO.COM Bye
Reply:If you went to work, and they didn't pay you, but they wouldn't fire you either, would you still go to work?

You need to either bring back the treats or

Go through a correction phase.

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