Friday, February 3, 2012

Fruit trees?

I have Tangelo, Limon, Peach , Sweet Kumquot. and Apple tree's on my property, the first year the Oranges had fruit, then they got frosted, only one tree has fruit on it this year .My apple trees almost 1 years old planted this spring, did not get fruit on them, the Peach tree got a little frosted last winter and this year so far has no fruit. How can I get them all to fruit? I live in southern Alabama. they get plenty of water and sun and I have fed them furtilizer.

Fruit trees?
Most fruit trees take several years before they bear fruit and then only produce a little fruit for the next few years. Some, I believe, only bear fruit every other year. Some trees need to be fertilized by another same type tree (via birds/bees) in order to bear fruit.
Reply:They won't really do much for a couple more years..
Reply:Your apple trees are too young to bear good fruit. You should see a small crop of fruit in about 3 more years. You should have a good crop in about 5 more years. My peach trees didn't bear good fruit until they were about 4 years old. I don't know about the other trees.
Reply:generally apple trees take at least 3-5 years after transplanting to bear fruit, depending on the stock it's grafted onto and how big it was when you transplanted it. you could try giving them a little fertilizer, but not too much or you might burn them. the other trees i dont know because they don't grow where I live.

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